Dreams Bruised, but not Buried

Lit Up — April’s Prompt: Distraction — Free Verse


Pandemic’s tension
once simmering on the horizon.
A haunting annoyance
that seemed far, far away
suddenly becomes the elephant
in the living room of our hearts and minds.
Trumpeting trauma while
fanning flames of burning hope
into smoldering despair.

Survival requires discovering actions
hell bent on distraction.
Searching for hocus pocus
to fuel my elusive focus,
but the remedy remains incognito.
May I rediscover some control,
some reconnection with my inner locus…
once upon a time a salve for my soul.

Every day’s a day for a daydream
even though they used to
keep my muse in limbo.
Pile on infinite human catastrophes…
and quiet desperation for distraction
becomes ear splitting thunder
uttered from babbling heads
certain they’re legends in many a mind.

I built a wall that turned into a cocoon.
In that retreat I advance and emerge.
Chasing dreams bruised, but not buried
and tarnished hope ready to shine.



Paul S Markle
Lit Up
Writer for

Wordsmith Apprentice studying under this collective community genius. Writer of fiction, poetry, etc. Former head shrinker, current equine coach…